

Alexandre Daoust

Director, Social and Economic division & Consultant – Monitoring and Evaluation

Alexandre (BA in Economics and Politics; MA in International Economic Development) is a specialist accredited by the Canadian Evaluation Society in monitoring and evaluation and results-based management. His main areas of specialization are socioeconomic development and governance. In particular, he has experience in supporting projects in the private sector (strengthening value chains) and providing assistance to businesses and technical assistance related to local commercial development. Alexandre has also conducted many mandates in education, child protection, and the environment. He has solid team leader experience in project, program, and institutional evaluations and has held senior positions in assignments related to M&E system development and strategic planning. One of Alexandre’s major strengths is expertise in managing and analyzing quantitative data. He has led many field missions in Central Africa, East and Western Africa, and Central and South America. Before joining Baastel, Alexandre worked as a project manager in export-based economic development projects. He is fluent in French, English, and Spanish. He has worked with, among others, Global Affairs Canada, the US Department of State, the Secretary of State for Economic Affairs of Switzerland, the Centre of International Commerce, CNUCED, UNDP, UNICEF, the European Commission, Oxfam-Québec, the IDB, and the OAS.


Jon Garcia

Consultant - Monitoring, Evaluation, and Environment -

Jon (BSc in Economics; MA in International Development; MSc in Environmental Policy and Regulation) specializes in environment and climate change in developing countries. He has 15 years of experience in project design, management, and monitoring and evaluation. Jon has coordinated international teams and projects relating to environmental sustainability and climate change mitigation and adaptation, including low-carbon and resilient cities, regional and rural development, agriculture and livestock, sustainable land management and forest activities, and disaster risk management. He has worked with multilateral and bilateral donor organizations such as UNDP, UN Environment, FAO, UN-HABITAT, and the World Bank, among others, as well as with national and local governments and consultancy firms in various projects funded by IDB, the European Commission, AFD, DFID, and more. He has experience with the GEF, the Adaptation Fund, and the GCF. His work has covered Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. Jon is fluent in Spanish and English and has an advanced level of French.


Margarita Gonzales

Consultant – Monitoring, Evaluation, and Environment -

Margarita (BA in International Development Studies; MPA) has worked with Baastel since 2012, initially as a project officer, and subsequently as an evaluator and environment specialist. She has a certificate in Programme Evaluation and has been involved in many evaluations conducted by Baastel for UNDP, IFC, the French GEF (FFEM), the Green Climate Fund, and more, most of them focused on climate change adaptation, mitigation, and finance in an international development context. Margarita also provides environmental expertise to Canadian and international organizations (IDRC, FAO, UN Environment) on a broad range of environmental issues such as climate change, biodiversity, and natural resources management. Among other services, she supports the design of environment projects and environmental management plans, conducts technical studies, and provides assistance for capacity development. As a project officer, she managed a large number of projects for organizations such the WBG, the European Commission, the European Investment Bank, Global Affairs Canada, and more. Prior to joining Baastel, she was involved with children’s issues and with social enterprise. She is fluent in French, Spanish, and English.


Sara Trab Nielsen

Consultant - Environment -

Sara (BA in International Service; Master’s in Global Environmental Policy) is an energy and climate change specialist with more than a decade of experience working with sustainable policy, strategy and programming, project development, and monitoring & evaluation. Sara comes with a background that both involves mitigation and adaptation to climate change and have experience designing results-based financing (RBF)/Payment for Results (PFR) and public-private partnerships (PPP) as well as detailed theories of change and M&E frameworks. She has worked on energy access in Lao PDR, Cambodia and Zambia, strategic planning for climate funding in Vietnam, the Philippines, and the Caribbean, and climate change adaptation in The Gambia and Belize. Prior to joining Baastel, Sara spent several years at The World Bank as well as the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and have during the past decade gained experience collaborating with several multilateral and bilateral development partners including the Green Climate Fund (GCF), UNDP and UN Environment, the World Food Program, SIDA, SNV Netherlands, and GIZ. She is skilled in direct client interaction and has led several country visits cooperating directly with government officials and in-country private sector players, civil society as well as local community groups. Sara speaks fluent English and Danish.


Giovanna Montagner

Consultant - Monitoring, Evaluation and Environment -

Giovanna (BA in International Affairs; MA in Urban Studies; IPDET alumni) joined Baastel in 2021. She has worked as an evaluator and researcher since 2009, with a focus on complex interventions, qualitative methods and theory of change approaches. She has led and participated in projects related with environmental and social sustainability -including climate change adaptation and mitigation, agricultural value chains, environmental regulation and urban management- mainly in Mexico and Latin America. Prior to joining Baastel, she worked as an evaluator and knowledge manager at CLEAR LAC, and as an evaluation manager at the Mexican Ministry of the Environment, where she helped develop a monitoring and evaluation system for Mexican climate policy. Giovanna is fluent in Spanish, English and Italian, and has an intermediate level of French.


Noemie Watanabe

Consultant – Climate change and economics -

Noémie (Master 1 in International Expertise at Sciences Po Aix, France - Master 2 Crises and development actions at the Institute of Economic and Social Development Studies of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France) joined Baastel in 2021, supporting the Environment team. Her areas of specialization are international cooperation, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and sustainable urban development. She has developed expertise in programming, monitoring and evaluation of development projects related to urban resilience, climate finance, sustainable resource management and biodiversity conservation. She has collaborated with international organizations (UN ESCAP, UN-Habitat, UNDP, UN Women, the Asian Development Bank) and has contributed to projects funded by the European Commission, particularly in relation to environmental migration. Before joining Baastel, Noémie worked at the French Embassy in Japan for international cooperation, in an environmental NGO in Japan in the energy transition sector, then at UN ESCAP in Bangkok for sustainable urban development in Asia-Pacific. Being passionate about innovative low-carbon solutions, she also has experience in the sector of social entrepreneurship in France, she has worked in collaboration with emerging economic actors of ethical fashion, circular economy and sustainable agriculture. She is fluent in French, English, and Japanese and Spanish at an advanced level.


Pieter Dirckx

Consultant - Environment -

Pieter (MA in Law and economics and MA in European Law) joined the environment division of Baastel in 2021. He worked previously as an intern in the European Parliament, in the parliamentary committees of agriculture and environment, and as a researcher at Milieu Consulting. Pieter is fluent in Dutch and English and has an advanced level of French.


Manon Bastin-Héline

Consultant - Environment

Holding an engineering degree in Biological Engineering and a master's degree specializing in strategy and negotiation for the management of ecosystems in international environment (AgroParisTech), Manon is a junior consultant in the Environment division since April 2021. After three years as a study engineer in a pharmaceutical group, she chose to orient her professional choices towards environmental management, adaptations to climate change and biodiversity conservation. She is fluent in French and English and has good knowledge of Spanish.


James Leaver

Consultant, results-based management, monitoring, evaluation and learning -

James (BA in Business Administration; Minor in General History and Master’s in International Development) joined Baastel in 2021. He is a results-based management, monitoring, evaluation and learning specialist with more than 12 years’ experience. James has a keen interest in education, income generation, civil society strengthening, community stabilization, inclusion, political participation and south-south cooperation. He has experience working in Latin America and Africa, collaborating with international organizations (IOM, UNDP, ECLAC and World Bank), Latin American governments and NGOs. He is fluent in English and Spanish and has advanced knowledge of French.


Sarah D’haen

Consultant, Climate Change and Environment -

Sarah (MSc Bio-Engineering Land and Forest Management; MSc Environmental Technology; PhD Human Geography) is a strategic coordinator and facilitator of multi-stakeholder projects and programmes with more than 14 years’ experience in the areas of climate change impacts and adaptation, sustainable development, and natural resource management. Her core skills lie in bringing actors together across levels and disciplines and designing joint learning processes. She has facilitated science-policy dialogues around climate impacts and adaptation, and has accompanied national NAP and NDC processes, predominantly in Africa. Before joining Baastel in 2022, Sarah led several science-based projects and programmes for NGOs. Her technical expertise includes research design and support services, surveys, scoping studies, as well as climate impact and vulnerability studies. She holds a certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation, and is skilled in indicator development, (scientific) capacity building, and developing tailored training and learning products. She speaks Dutch, English, French, German, Danish, Spanish and Portuguese, and has lived, traveled, and worked in several Latin-American, African and European countries.


Helene Coppens

Consultant in Environment and Biodiversity Conservation -

Helene Coppens (a graduate in Environmental Sciences and Management, and in International Development and Cooperation) has been mostly working abroad in developing countries of Western, Central and Southern Africa as well as, in Lao P.D.R., Peru and Bolivia. Her overall experience focuses on sustainable environmental management and solutions to address climate change issues, improve natural resource management and biodiversity conservation while contributing to local socio-economic development for enhanced sustainability. Her expertise focuses on technical assistance, project, planning, design, and monitoring and evaluation for international institutions (such as the WFP and UNEP), bilateral institutions (such as GIZ, AFD, GAC and ENABEL,) as well as for NGOs (African Parks, Noé, Eclosio) and the Private Sector. Through her work she supported and technically advised a wide range of stakeholders from local organisations to governmental officials in improving their approach in nature resource management towards more adaptive management actions. Hélène speaks French, English and Spanish.


Monica Torres


Monica (BSc in Biology; MA in Public Policy) specializes in social impact particularly in socio-environmental projects. She has experience with research, technical studies, evaluations, policy analysis, project design, logical frameworks and theory of change, knowledge management, and M&E and learning. She has collaborated with various international institutions, NGO’s, and multilateral donors. In addition, she also has extensive experience in designing, implementing, and facilitating international capacity building courses, both in-person and online. Prior to joining Baastel in 2023, Monica worked at CLEAR Initiative (in the LAC office), as well as with The World Bank and the United Nations Environment Programme country office in Mexico. Monica speaks Spanish and English fluently, and has knowledge of French.


Nadia S. Perez

Consultant Monitoring and Evaluation – Socio-economic issues -

Nadia holds a Bachelor´s Degree in Political Science and Government from Rosario University, and a master’s in public policy from the Hertie School. She has worked in the development field for over 5 years with the government of Colombia and international organizations (GIZ, OAS). Her expertise includes monitoring and evaluation (M&E), knowledge management and learning, and research on socio-economic development issues including conflict and peace transition, rural development, youth inclusion, education, and gender equality, mainly in Colombia and Latin America. Nadia is fluent in Spanish and English and has a basic level of French and German.


Jéssica Sbroglia

Consultant - Monitoring and evaluation - Results-based Management

Jéssica (BA in Social Sciences; M.Sc. in Political Sociology) has ten years of experience in qualitative methodologies. She has experience in research, monitoring and evaluation, and project management. Her main subjects of study are sustainable rural development, gender inclusion, and the evaluation of public policies. In 2018, she received the Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) scholarship from the Canadian government. She joined Baastel in 2023 as a junior consultant in monitoring and evaluation and results-based management. Jéssica is fluent in Portuguese, English, and French and has a good foundation in Spanish.


Cecilia Moreno Cruz

Environmental consultant -

Cecilia (MSc Environmental Chemical Engineering, Diploma in Gender equality and Development, Master BAC+6 in Social Sciences applied to forest management) has over 14 years’ work experience in environmental impacts and vulnerability assessments, climate resilience and awareness rising for climate action, mainly in the water and forestry sectors. Along her professional path, she has developed comprehensive knowledge of the nexus between environment, climate change adaptation and gender equality, having contributed to mainstream gender and women's empowerment actions into numerous environmental initiatives in countries such as Brazil, Bolivia, Turkey, Congo or Benin. She has also provided support to different international donors such as AFD and LuxDev in the design of CC adaptation and gender equality strategies, covering different geographies. Before joining Baastel in 2023, Cecilia has worked several times for AFD in the formulation of gender-transformative projects in Africa and Asia and participated in relevant assignments such as a gender-sensitive assessment of the EU-funded program EUROCLIMA in Latin-America. Since 2018, she works as an evaluator of grant proposals submitted by European CSO, public bodies and academic entities under different EU climate Programmes. Furthermore, she has been involved in the elaboration of toolkits for AFD and the European Institute for Gender Equality focused on gender-responsive and environmental evaluation methods for better informed climate policies. She is fluent in Spanish, French and English and she has a good command of Portuguese.


Claudia Mir Cervantes

Senior Consultant - Social and Economic Division

Claudia (BA in Economics, MA in Economic Analysis of Public Decisions) is a monitoring and evaluation specialist. She has 19 years of experience conducting evaluation projects and designing and facilitating M&E capacity development strategies. She began her evaluator career in FAO, Mexico in 2004. Since then she has participated in over 80 M&E and research projects for Mexican government agencies and international organisations such as FAO, UNICEF, IADB, World Bank, ICSS and CLEAR LAC. Before joining Baastel she ran her own consulting and coaching business in Mexico. She specialises in social protection and rural development. She is also a certified coach. Claudia is fluent in Spanish, French and English.


Hélène Verrue

Consultant in Environment and Biodiversity Conservation

Hélène (Master’s degree in International Relations at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France - MSc Environment & Development, London School of Economics) joined Baastel's Environment team in 2023, after nearly 5 years' professional experience with the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) Group. After initial experiences at UNESCO and with NGOs in Cambodia, and an exchange programme in Argentina, Hélène decided to specialise in the interactions between socio-economic development and the management of sustainable natural resources and biodiversity conservation. She worked for almost three years in AFD's Africa Department in Paris, focusing on the major trends that are affecting Africa, and on crisis and conflict prevention issues in West Africa. She then spent two years in Mozambique, where she was in charge of the portfolio of both AFD and the French Global Environment Facility (FGEF), managing fifteen projects on climate and biodiversity conservation, environmental governance and finance, and the management and valorisation of natural resources, as well as restoration and disaster risk reduction. She has also developed strong partnerships and joint projects with the European Union and other European cooperation agencies. Hélène has thus developed a strong experience in planning, designing, managing, monitoring and evaluating development and environmental projects. Hélène speaks French, English, Spanish and Portuguese.


Camille Gelb

Environmental Consultant

Having graduated from a Master’s in Public Administration with a specialization in International Development (London School of Economics) and a Specialized Master in ecosystem management (AgroParisTech), Camille joined Baastel’s Environment team as a Junior Consultant in early 2024. She has previous experience in consulting for international development and environment project in a private firm in Senegal and as a freelance consultant. As an external consultant, Camille notably supported Baastel’s team on several design and evaluation mandates. She is fluent in French and English and has a good command of Spanish.


Othoniel Miranda García

Climate change finance consultant

Othoniel (BSc in Sustainable Development Engineering at ITESM) joined Baastel in March 2024. Hoping to create a positive impact in his surroundings, he has worked as climate and sustainable finance consultant with experience with real economy companies and financial institutions, helping them to mobilize capital and transition their operations towards ESG and sustainability, incorporating these topics in their internal decision making. His areas of specialization include sustainable finance, GSSS (Green, Social, Sustainable and Sustainability Linked) bonds and loans, green/sustainable taxonomies, ESG disclosure, double materiality analysis, renewable energy, ESG strategies, and diversity and inclusion. Also, he possesses a diploma in Nature protection, climate change and human rights, given by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation of Mexico. Othoniel is fluent in Spanish and English, an intermediate level of Portuguese and a basic level of Mexican Sign Language.


Laura Martin

Environmental Consultant

Laura joined the Environment team in July 2024, having previously worked at Baastel for 1.5 years in 2022-2023, then on a freelance basis. She is a consultant with diverse experience in climate change adaptation and mitigation, mainly gained through project and program evaluation, as well as project formulation and technical assistance. She holds a master's degree in development project analysis and a master's degree in development economics (CERDI, France). Laura has worked on mandates funded by various international organizations and multilateral donors such as UNIDO, UNEP, GEF, AFD and the NDC Partnership. Prior to joining Baastel, Laura worked for another consulting firm specializing in climate change adaptation and climate finance. Laura is fluent in French and English. She is based in Paris.


Leslie Wilmet


With a master’s degree in environmental management and land use planning and a PhD in conservation biology, Leslie is an expert in ecology, natural resource management and biodiversity conservation. She has international experience in countries such as Togo, Mauritius, Honduras, Madagascar and Belgium, and has worked with various NGOs and the private sector. Leslie also brings expertise in project design, management and team building. She specializes in the protection and restoration of biodiversity, in particular the monitoring of animal populations, the reintroduction of species and the development of strategic action plans. She joined Baastel's Environment team in September 2024, where she is contributing to the implementation of the ELLESadAPt project. Leslie is fluent in French and English and has a good knowledge of Spanish.