Sara Trab Nielsen

Sara (BA in International Service; Master’s in Global Environmental Policy) is an energy and climate change specialist with more than a decade of experience working with sustainable policy, strategy and programming, project development, and monitoring & evaluation. Sara comes with a background that both involves mitigation and adaptation to climate change and have experience designing results-based financing (RBF)/Payment for Results (PFR) and public-private partnerships (PPP) as well as detailed theories of change and M&E frameworks. She has worked on energy access in Lao PDR, Cambodia and Zambia, strategic planning for climate funding in Vietnam, the Philippines, and the Caribbean, and climate change adaptation in The Gambia and Belize. Prior to joining Baastel, Sara spent several years at The World Bank as well as the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and have during the past decade gained experience collaborating with several multilateral and bilateral development partners including the Green Climate Fund (GCF), UNDP and UN Environment, the World Food Program, SIDA, SNV Netherlands, and GIZ. She is skilled in direct client interaction and has led several country visits cooperating directly with government officials and in-country private sector players, civil society as well as local community groups. Sara speaks fluent English and Danish.