Helene Coppens

Helene Coppens (a graduate in Environmental Sciences and Management, and in International Development and Cooperation) has been mostly working abroad in developing countries of Western, Central and Southern Africa as well as, in Lao P.D.R., Peru and Bolivia. Her overall experience focuses on sustainable environmental management and solutions to address climate change issues, improve natural resource management and biodiversity conservation while contributing to local socio-economic development for enhanced sustainability.

Her expertise focuses on technical assistance, project, planning, design, and monitoring and evaluation for international institutions (such as the WFP and UNEP), bilateral institutions (such as GIZ, AFD, GAC and ENABEL,) as well as for NGOs (African Parks, Noé, Eclosio) and the Private Sector. Through her work she supported and technically advised a wide range of stakeholders from local organisations to governmental officials in improving their approach in nature resource management towards more adaptive management actions. Hélène speaks French, English and Spanish.