Alexandre Daoust

Alexandre (BA in Economics and Politics; MA in International Economic Development) is a specialist accredited by the Canadian Evaluation Society in monitoring and evaluation and results-based management. His main areas of specialization are socioeconomic development and governance. In particular, he has experience in supporting projects in the private sector (strengthening value chains) and providing assistance to businesses and technical assistance related to local commercial development. Alexandre has also conducted many mandates in education, child protection, and the environment. He has solid team leader experience in project, program, and institutional evaluations and has held senior positions in assignments related to M&E system development and strategic planning. One of Alexandre’s major strengths is expertise in managing and analyzing quantitative data. He has led many field missions in Central Africa, East and Western Africa, and Central and South America. Before joining Baastel, Alexandre worked as a project manager in export-based economic development projects. He is fluent in French, English, and Spanish. He has worked with, among others, Global Affairs Canada, the US Department of State, the Secretary of State for Economic Affairs of Switzerland, the Centre of International Commerce, CNUCED, UNDP, UNICEF, the European Commission, Oxfam-Québec, the IDB, and the OAS.