
Baastel applies its expertise in multiple aspects of climate change, biodiversity, and disaster risk management at local, national, and international levels across Africa, Asia, and Latin America. We have established long-lasting, professional partnerships around the world with key climate change and biodiversity actors, from large, public, national, and international organizations to smaller NGOs and private enterprises.

Our work covers agriculture, climate change, biodiversity, disaster risk management, and integrated natural resources management, as well as support for negotiations on multilateral environmental conventions. Baastel has provided project, policy, and program services related to all aspects of climate adaptation and mitigation, carried out assessments of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects, supported international negotiation processes, conducted research in climate change economics and finance, developed baselines for conservation projects, supported establishment of marine protected areas, conducted local and national vulnerability assessments, promoted resilient coastal zone management and resilient, climate change mainstreaming, and provided climate risk management services.

Baastel also has extensive experience in all aspects of disaster risk reduction and management, from assessing hazard vulnerability and developing early warning systems, to formulating policies and legislation and developing monitoring and evaluation tools and systems to improve DRM/DRR initiatives.

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