Insights and lessons for scaling climate action

Baastel led a global evaluation of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), shedding light on its 15 years of success in advancing the financing mechanism for “reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries”  (REDD+) and addressing climate change. Our findings are now helping to shape the future of international REDD+ programs.

Scope of work

  • Extensive document review
  • Online surveys and face-to-face interviews
  • A combination of 12 country case studies from the global group of FCPF participant countries
  • Four thematic case studies
  • Data analysis and stakeholder workshop



The FCPF has been instrumental in:

  • Building readiness capacity in participating countries
  • Pioneering country-based results-based payments (RBP)
  • Piloting large-scale RBP systems to protect forests and support communities


Lessons for future initiatives include:

  • Balancing the complexity of measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) for high integrity carbon credits with the need for rapid access to finance and the impact of benefit sharing at the local level.
  • Ensuring that readiness investments lead to sustainable results
  • Recognizing the essential role of non-carbon benefits with clear guidelines for monitoring them
  • Leverage private sector cooperation for REDD+ success.


FCPF at a glance

Launched in 2008, the FCPF is the largest multilateral financing mechanism for REDD+, providing readiness support and performance-based payments to tropical and subtropical countries. It has laid the foundation for scalable, results-oriented climate solutions that integrate forest conservation, sustainable management and enhancement of carbon stocks.


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World Bank


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