As part of the GEF-8 Mesoamerican Forest Integrated Program, the Mexico Mesoamerica Forest Child Project aims to address the threats of deforestation and degradation in the Selva Maya forest. This initiative, led by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as the lead agency of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), aims to promote transformative change by improving governance, mobilizing financial resources, and empowering indigenous peoples and local communities.
Scope of work
Baastel designed the project through a multi-phased approach that included:
The project is designed to deliver four transformative outcomes:
The Mesoamerican Forest Integrated Program
This initiative aims to conserve Mesoamerica’s primary forests – vital habitats for endangered species, critical carbon stores, and lifelines for millions of people. With nearly half of the region’s natural habitats lost and severe deforestation in the remaining forests, the GEF-8 funding cycle (2022-2026) supports targeted actions to protect these critical ecosystems. The program focuses on expanding and managing protected areas, promoting sustainable policies, mobilizing conservation finance, and raising awareness of the invaluable local and global benefits forests provide.
Latin America
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