Ex-post written and audiovisual evaluation of the Limpopo National Park Development Project with Agence française de développement

When the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) asked Baastel and partner Institut de Recherches et d’Applications des Méthodes de développement (IRAM) to conduct an ex-post evaluation of its 11-million-euro support to the Limpopo National Park Development (LNPD) project in Mozambique, the team enthusiastically took up a special challenge: integrating audiovisual elements across the entire process. While the AFD’s main objective was to gain an independent perspective on the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability of their funding, the use of audiovisual media added another dimension. Through this evaluation, the AFD sought to build on lessons from previous experience with filmed evaluation to generate an innovative process using complementary written and audiovisual approaches.

In the context of broader multi-donor support for the LNPD, the AFD’s funding aimed to promote the park’s management and development plan by advancing three primary objectives: restoration and conservation of park biodiversity; improving local livelihoods; and strengthening the park’s administrative capacity. Like all Baastel evaluations, this one assessed the initiative using a thorough and rigorous methodology, providing stakeholders with useful insights for accountability and learning. It drew on extensive literature review, data collection in the field, and the team’s expertise in areas such as biodiversity, conservation, and sustainable livelihoods.

But the key to the process was the team’s use of film and photography not simply as “add-ons” but as integral components of data collection and reporting. Aware that audiences would be able to engage with either written or audiovisual evaluation products – or both – they worked hard to ensure that both kinds of interface would provide the same core information. At the same time, they made the most of the distinctive possibilities offered by each medium. This required close collaboration between the team members responsible for the written and audiovisual components.

The highly successful result was a set of written and audiovisual deliverables accessibly hosted on a web platform. These included a downloadable evaluation report in traditional text format, a long film, shorter film “clips” associated with different aspects of the evaluation, and still photos. Together, these components provided evaluation audiences with a strikingly immersive experience that prompted a deeper understanding of both the project context and the evaluation results.

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Agence Française de Développement
